Page 12 - Study At Centrale Supélec 2021
P. 12
Electrical Engineering
ENGINEERING CHALLENGE TERM What do web-based information retrieval, personal assistant development,
autonomous driving or automatic planning have in common ? These are all
complex real-world problems that artificial intelligence (AI) aims at solving
CORE COURSE : OPTIMISATION (2,5 ECTS) by addressing them in rigorous methods. In this course, you will study the
(MANDATORY) fundamental principles that guide these applications and implement some of
these systems. Specific topics include automated learning, research, gaming,
This course will explore various fundamental notions of both continuous and Markov decision processes, constraint satisfaction, graphic models and logic.
discrete optimisation. The following topics will be addressed and implemented : The main objective of the course is to provide you with the framework to
formulation of optimisation problems, existence conditions for global and local address new AI problems that you may encounter in the future. The ethical and
minimizers, convexity, duality, Lagrange multipliers, first-order methods, linear philosophical aspects of AI will also be discussed.
programming, integer linear programming, branch and bound approaches,
preliminary stochastic optimisation concepts. • MOBILITY ISSUES
This course consists in studying three innovations that are deeply transforming
CONCENTRATION (7,5 ECTS) the industry associated with individual mobility. The first two are primarily
technological in nature, they are the autonomous vehicle and the electric
vehicle - battery or hydrogen. The third is related to the penetration and
• OPTIMISING NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE FOR SMART generalization of new information and communication technologies and the
CITIES IoT in mobility which allows the implementation of the principles of the sharing
Concentration course : Optimisation of network The motivation for studying the combination of these three innovations is to
determine the conditions for moving from a model of individual ownership of
infrastructures mobility goods with considerable negative externalities in terms of pollution,
PARIS SACLAY networks to answer the problematic of smart cities (e.g. information collection ELECTIVE SERIES 2.5 (2,5 ECTS) (SELECT ONE)
congestion, accidentology to uses of services. of autonomous, electric and/ or
This course gives an overview of the emerging problems in telecommunication
shared mobility which could provide solutions to the aforementioned problems.
and routing, network traffic offload by local parameter estimation, etc.). Hence,
this course explains concepts related to the optimisation of the network
infrastructure and presents the required mathematical tools, particularly
combinatorial optimisation methods and their use for routing, information
gathering and resource sharing. The last part of the course is devoted to the
problems of estimation/ local detection of parameters (e.g. sensors in smart
issues of interactive robotics and the technical aspects associated to these
cities) by distributed optimisation techniques. Subjects covered by this course will allow students to understand the main
complex systems in interaction with humans or their environment. The course
aims at exposing the context, fundamental methodological tools and current
Concentration project : Smart cities : connected cities research and development subjects related to interactive robotic manipulators.
Projects are centred around practical applications of optimisation
(combinatorial, convex, distributed) to the current problems of smart cities • ANTENNA DESIGN FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS
and telecommunication networks. Projects will be multidisciplinary and will In this course, the main properties of antennas and considerations related to
serve to put into perspective the courses of this sequence and to introduce their choice and their design will be defined, while taking into account design
students to scientific research in the field of Connected Objects. constraints set by the application context straight from the beginning. The
teaching method will be focused on understanding how antenna theory is
used in practise, when antenna design must respond to external constraints.
Analog electronic systems are present in everyday life devices (smartphone,
biomedical devices, RFID sensors, etc.) but also in more specific and advanced
applications (devices for spatial environment, radar/telemetry, aeronautical
devices, etc.). The purpose of this course is to provide design methodologies
• ENERGY CONVERSION for analogue systems based on specification, and the basics to be able to
The course begins with the positioning of principles and systems that will analyse an existing circuit.
be studied in relation to the basics already acquired by students in the field
of electrical energy. The focus is on the industrial and economic stakes of
energy management. The first part of the course is devoted to the study of ELECTIVE SERIES 2.6 (2,5 ECTS) (SELECT ONE)
AC rotating electrical machines, which are major players in the production and
consumption of electrical energy today. We will then discuss the components • APPLICATIONS OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS TO
and electronic power converters. The importance of electronic switching INFORMATION PROCESSING
operation and its connection with the topological and thermal aspects of the This transdisciplinary course aims at establishing connections between basic
design is emphasised.
mathematics and physics training and applications in the advanced technology
areas, such as digital communications, data processing, learning, and quantum
computing. This course will also be a necessary opening for students wishing
to be prepared for modern computational techniques and for research
and engineering in relevant fields such as: theoretical physics, quantum