Page 18 - Study At Centrale Supélec 2021
P. 18

Electrical & Information


                                                                  Concentration project :  What you unwittingly say   :
                     ENGINEERING CHALLENGE TERM                   decryption and automated analysis of nonverbal
                                                                  To take up the challenges of automated understanding of human behaviours
               CORE COURSE : OPTIMISATION (2,5 ECTS)              and emotions, the audio, video and machine learning communities gather
               (MANDATORY)                                        around the world every year. Through this project, you will be able to participate
                                                                  in one of these challenges. You will have a large dataset representing people
               This course will explore various fundamental notions of both continuous and   in action and you will have to automatically determine their behaviour and
               discrete optimisation. The following topics will be addressed and implemented :   emotions.  Each project team focuses on a particular study (e.g. voice, face)
               formulation of optimisation problems, existence conditions for global and local   and all teams will gather their work to collectively deposit a unique participation
               minimizers, convexity, duality, Lagrange multipliers, first-order methods, linear   in the international challenge.
               programming, integer linear programming, branch and bound approaches,
               preliminary stochastic optimisation concepts.
                                                                                ACADEMIC TERM
                                                                  • SERIOUS GAME
               Concentration course : Renewable energies and      What if you save the world from your console ? In this elective, you will
               microgrids                                         discover how the serious game has transformed the transmission of ideas
                                                                  in many areas, from learning how to read to car repair, through education to
                                                                  gestures of care. These examples will allow you to become a designer of your
      RENNES   resources  and  the  main  principles  of  their  conversion  into  electricity  ?   ELECTIVE SERIES 2.5 (2,5 ECTS)
               This course will tackle the following issues: what are the wind and solar
                                                                  own serious game, because your ideas also deserve to be playable !
               What are the storage technologies, particularly batteries, that can manage
               the variability of these sources ? What are the technical, environmental and
               economic challenges of these technologies ? In addition, wind and solar
               energy are much more decentralized than conventional thermal power plants.   • INTELLIGENT WIRELESS ACCESS & EXPERIMENTATION
               This leads to the emergence of the notion of “ microgrid ”, similar to short   The goal of this course is to present to the student an insight on the basic
               food supply chains (SFSCs).                        principles of communication systems : smart grids, intelligent transport, smart
                                                                  homes,  smart  cities,  radio  communication  devices  and  equipment,  mobile
               Concentration project : Insular carbon-free microgrid  phone services local networks, broadcasting, RFID, TV, Internet of Things, etc.
               The generation of electricity in a microgrid can be done using fossil fuels   • MODEL-BASED PREDICTIVE CONTROL
               (diesel, generators) or renewable energies (solar panels, etc.). The latter ones   Model Predictive Control (MPC) is the advanced control technique the most
               are generally cheaper, but their intermittency pushes to supplement them   widely used for engineering systems. Its industrial use is booming because it
               with more expensive but controllable means. The size of each component   optimises the operation of an industrial process and its energy efficiency, while
               of the microgrid must be optimized according to different criteria : cost,   integrating operating constraints. This course presents the main principles of
               quality of service, energy independence, greenhouse gas emissions, as well   predictive control in a precise, readable and intuitive mathematical formalism,
               as the management of energy flows. The project addresses these different   which is not reserved to automation engineers.
               optimisation challenges in the real case of an isolated island.
                                                                  ELECTIVE SERIES 2.6 (2,5 ECTS) (SELECT ONE)
               (7,5 ECTS)                                         • VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY
                                                                  You  will  discover  the main  principles  that  underlie  mixed  realities  - this
               Concentration course : 2D-3D image and sound       continuum of which virtual and augmented realities are representatives. Behind
               analysis                                           these new modes of reality, you will understand the technological issues that
                                                                  lock or open the way to new exchanges between user and system. Finally,
                                                                  you will have the opportunity to put your new knowledge into practise through
               In this module, you will discover an overview of analysis and synthesis   a project on a topic of your choice - go to the (inter)action!
               techniques for 2D and 3D image and sound, through precise use cases. You
               will be the actors of the understanding and the artificial modification of your   • MICRO-GRID
               environment !
                                                                  Microgrids are complex interconnections of components whose control is
                                                                  both a difficult and crucial problem for its proper operation. It is this problem
                                                                  that this elective aims to address. The course enables students to discover the
                                                                  overall modelling and operation of a microgrid with its electrical components
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